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Embodied Virtual Reality system designed to experience the world from another person's perspective
The Machine To Be Another is a performance installation. It facilitates the immersive experience of a body swap between two persons in real-time by combining neuroscientific research insights, performance art and Virtual Reality technology. BeAnotherLab enables this form of embodied perspective-taking to stimulate dialogue across differences for pro-social behaviour and mutual understanding.
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Embodied virtual reality system designed to experience the world from the perspective of another.
It works as an open platform to co-design immersive experiences that promote somatic and verbal dialogue deriving in pro-social behavior.
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Immersive Documentary Film-Making for Embodied Storytelling
The Library of Ourselves uses Virtual Reality in its cinematic capacity. The technology enables the recording of 360° films from the first-person perspective of the storyteller, and the audience's experience of these cinematic worlds in an embodied, multisensory manner. The Library of Ourselves has evolved into a distributed VR film archive that can be experienced in our Social VR Stations, hosted by diverse institutions around the world.
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Immersive Documentary Film-Making for an Archive of Embodied Narratives
Library of Ourselves is an interdisciplinary and distributed project to create transformative encounters between communities in conflict.
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