13th to 23rd of October ’18
Seattle Center
[nectar_dropcap color=””]F[/nectar_dropcap]rom 20 to 22 of November 2019, the Baluarte Exhibition Center hosted the 948Merkatua, a proffesional Art and Culture market impulsed by Navarra´s Government to support creativity and to build a networking enviroment for cultural agents and artists. 948merkatua is a meeting point of projects and an a showcase for local and international artists to connect with publics and promotors.
BeAnotherLab was selected to present TheMachinetoBeAnother inside the 2019´s programmation of art exhibition: the 948Art. 948Art is a valuous opportunity for professionals and general public to take a look at the local and international art scenes, from a open and plural perspective about creativity and innovation.

[nectar_dropcap color=””]F[/nectar_dropcap]rom 20th to 22nd BeAnotherLab performed the BodySwap experiences for everyone who came to visit us, introducing the Machine to be Another system to local public and political autorithies. In the meanwhile, we had the opportunity to meet a lot of surprising projects, from a very different art disciplines and backgrounds. Thanks a lot to 948Merkatua for getting us on board!

Practical info.
948merkatua webpage: www.948merkatua.com
From 20 to 22 November 2019
Palacio De Congresos Y Auditorio De Navarra Baluarte
Pl. Baluarte, S/N
31002 Pamplona/Iruña (Spain)