24th of February 2020
Hangar.org – Barcelona
16th of September’18
[nectar_dropcap color=””]V[/nectar_dropcap]RMondays is an open activity that once a month brings for everybody in Barcelona the chance of getting introduced in the world of embodied virtual reality by testing different experiences and embodied narratives created and developed by BeAnotherLab or other interesting projects in the field of VR.
Opened from 17h till 20h, the VRMondays takes place in the Hangar.org creation center, in Poble Nou (Barcelona), and everybody is welcome to come and have a taste of the latest innovations and projects we are working on.
Please, don´t hesitate to contact us for further information.
Practical info.
HANGAR: https://hangar.org/es/
Emilia Coranty, 16, 08018 Barcelona