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2019 – 2020


Developed in partnership with the Ministry of National Education and Youth in France, Projet REVE uses Embodied Virtual Reality to let teachers step into the universe of students with dyslexia.


[nectar_dropcap color=””]D[/nectar_dropcap]yslexia affects approximately 10% of the French schooling population, though many students are never diagnosed. This often-overlooked condition makes school life extremely difficult for these students. Even when diagnosed, they often suffer from a lack of support in learning all of the subjects besides being vulnerable to devaluation in their socio-emotional environment. While the cognitive challenges of dyslexia are increasingly known to teachers, difficulties to read, spell and write for example, but the emotional consequences of having dyslexia mostly go unseen.

BeAnotherLab offers educators the possibility to see, feel and perceive themselves with dyslexia. Through a series of immersive Virtual Reality content, they experience the difficulties of reading, a teacher’s lack of understanding and social interactions with peers that evolve into hostile situations of bullying. Further experiences take the participant from the perspectives of dyslexic students to the ones of teachers in training, who interact with parents of dyslexic students. The last immersive series allows the experience of the perspectives of specialised teachers, who implement adapted pedagogies that are suited for the education of dyslexic students

Imaginez-vous avec la dyslexie

Project REVE

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[nectar_dropcap color=””]T[/nectar_dropcap]he materials for the Reve project were produced in a collaborative process, which involved more than 30 education professionals, 3 schools and 4 school classes (primary and secondary). The aim was to make, create and provide an awareness-raising and training tool for education professionals and students in order to increase the socio-emotional well-being of students with dyslexia.

The project is based on BeAnotherLab’s Library of Ourselves system. The Library combines our Machine technology with VR filming techniques for a new kind of immersive and embodied documentary practice, a form of empowered storytelling from the first-person perspective of the storyteller themselves. The films produced can be experienced in our Social VR Stations. These stations offer a pair of users to switch roles, to experience the VR scenario one time as a user, and a second time as a guide, who helps to facilitate the experience. Our Social VR Stations are autonomous, set up and directed by the hosting institution, and use high-quality yet low-budget standalone VR devices

If you want to co-create a similar educational project with us or draw on the materials generated by Projet Reve, please get in touch! We work collaboratively, internationally and across differences – and we’d love to hear from you.

More info

The official link to the Ministry of Education of France:

Online presentation of PROJET REVE in French 17/03/2021 @ Observatoire des Ressources Numériques Adaptées (ORNA) de l’INSHEA: