13th to 18th of July ’20
Hangar.org / Sala Beckett
13th to 18th of July ’20
Hangar.org / Sala Beckett
[nectar_dropcap color=””]W[/nectar_dropcap]ithin the training program offered by the Beckett theater this summer BeAnotherLab proposes exploring the possibilities and new horizons that are presented in the narrative sphere by immersive formats, combining virtual reality and embodiment techniques.
This course proposes a 24-hour journey designed to become aware of and explore the possibilities and new horizons that, on a narrative level, are proposed by immersive formats based on the combination of Virtual Reality and “embodiment” techniques, i.e. the perception of inhabiting a body different from one’s own.
During the course, participants will be able to experiment with some of the different formats for design, interaction and creation in Immersive Virtual Reality developed by the artistic and research collective BeAnotherLab in its project “The Machine To Be Another”*, while at the same time obtaining a historical perspective regarding research into embodiment illusions in cognitive sciences and neuropsychology.
Participants will learn how to create “Embodied Virtual Reality” experiences and participate in the practical process of creation of an immersive narrative in VR 360º format.
By combining theory and practice in every session, those attending will have the opportunity to participate organically in the entire process of creation and production of an immersive 360º narrative, from writing the script and the initial design of the prototype for interaction to the production and final presentation of the experience. BeAnotherLab will guide and assist the throughout the creative process and will place at the disposal of participants the material and technical knowledge necessary for production (VR Ready computers, 180/360º cameras, binaural microphones, VR reproduction devices, video stitching devices, general post-production techniques, etc.). The course offers, therefore, the possibility for initialisation and familiarisation with this type of equipment and techniques.
Practical info.
From 13 to 18 July 2020 (24 hours)
Info and inscriptions: https://www.salabeckett.cat/en/curs/script-for-intensive-formats/
Location: Hangar.org (Carrer Emilia Coranty, 16, 08018 Barcelona)