27th to 30rd of October ’18
Mexico City
13th to 23rd of October ’18
Seattle Center
[nectar_dropcap color=””]I[/nectar_dropcap]nmersiva is an international meeting that gathers experimental practices en the fields of art and science, based in virtual reality, augmented reality and mix reality. The festival looks foward to questionate the relation between our bodies and the technology in everyday life, detonating questions about the sensorial experience and the methods of representation that define who we are and aour relations with the world, pushing the limits between real and virtual.
BeAnotherLab took part in Inmersiva 2018 offering a workshop on embodied narratives and a talk on philosophy and psychology of the embodied self presented by Marte Roel.

Practical info.
Festival webpage: http://labinmersion.centroculturadigital.mx/inmersiva/
From 27 October to 30 October 2018
México City
Paseo de Reforma s/n Esquina Lieja
Colonia Juárez – C.P. 06600 – Mexico D.F.
(+52) 55 1000 2637