17th March 2021
Developed in partnership with the Ministry of National Education and Youth in France, Project REVE uses Embodied Virtual Reality to let teachers step into the universe of students with dyslexia.
[nectar_dropcap color=””]B[/nectar_dropcap]eAnotherLab presented and discussed the application of The Library of Ourselves technology as a creative tool to support teacher´s empathic capacities towards student with dyslexia for Project Reve. Participants joined BeAnotherLab researcher Philippe Bertrand for a discussion between 14h and 15:30h here: https://www.inshea.fr/content/je3-ressources-numeriques-adaptees
The online discussion was held in French and conceptualised as an “exhibition of applications for the education of disabled students”, organised by INSHEA (the National Institute of Higher Education and Research for the Education of Disabled Students and Adapted Teaching, Fance). More about Project Reve: https://beanotherlab.org/2020/06/17/projet-reve-vr-training-for-teachers/
The materials for Project Reve were produced in a collaborative process, which involved more than 30 education professionals, 3 schools and 4 school classes (primary and secondary). The aim was to make, create and provide an awareness-raising and training tool for education professionals and students in order to increase the socio-emotional well-being of students with dyslexia.
The project is based on BeAnotherLab’s Library of Ourselves system. The Library combines our Machine technology with VR filming techniques for a new kind of immersive and embodied documentary practice, a form of empowered storytelling from the first-person perspective of the storyteller themselves. The films produced can be experienced in our Social VR Stations. These stations offer a pair of users to switch roles, to experience the VR scenario one time as a user, and a second time as a guide, who helps to facilitate the experience. Our Social VR Stations are autonomous, set up and directed by the hosting institution, and use high-quality yet low-budget standalone VR devices.
If you want to co-create a similar educational project with us or draw on the materials generated by Project Reve, please get in touch
Practical info.
Wednesday 17th of March 2021
Content will be available all day. Participants can join the discussion between 14h and 15:30h