June ’21
UNAM Mérida
13th to 23rd of October ’18
Seattle Center
[nectar_dropcap color=””]W[/nectar_dropcap]w were invited by the Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas and by UNAM university in México to offer a workshop on methodologies for plastic embodiment through multisensoriality, mimicry and coupling, altering the sense of body, and how to measure such changes.
BeAnotherLab’s cocreator and researcher Marte Roel and UNAM students created their own out of body experience using VR and compared how the involvement of different senses contribute to this experience.
Practical info.
IIMAS webpage: https://www.unamenlinea.unam.mx/recurso/instituto-de-investigaciones-en-matematicas-aplicadas-y-en-sistemas-iimas
June 2021